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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Knights of Bal Timorea: Sir George Thaddius Dubois

Lucky me, I just happened to check my mail one last time at the old house before turning in my keys and there was a package from John at SC Warhammer. It was my very own knight to paint for the Knights of Bal Timorea project.
So I will now be starting my contribution to the project by assembling and painting Sir George Thaddius Dubois. I am trying to tie as much of my own family history into this model as possible. My knight's first and middle names are both my grandfathers' first names. His last name is based on my last name with a few letter changes to make it sound French.
Well that is all I have for today. I apologize if this post looks bad but all I have is my phone for posting until my cable modem is installed Saturday.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and please feel free to leave a comment.
- BJ
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


SC John said...

Looking forward to watching your progress.

As you can see, I included a bag of my favorite basing sand from the driveway retaining wall.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Santa Cruz Warhammer

MIK said...

Rock on!

I need to get cracking as well. If I named my knight after both my grandfathers though he'd be, "Ser Thomas Thomis"!

I didn't get any basing sand with mine, but I believe 'I got me some dirt out yonder'.

Meatball said...


I love the basing sand, thanks for sending it.

I am just happy to have my internet back now, posting from the Blackberry is a pain.


Yeah that may be a tad bit strange for a name, I just got lucky I guess :P

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